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Instructions for authors of articles

A condition for publication in Samlaren is that the article has not already been published by another journal or publisher. If an article is simultaneously under consideration elsewhere, this must be pointed out when contacting the editor.

Samlaren appears annually in a single volume, issued at the beginning of the year. It is an Open Access Journal, published simultaneously as a paper and an online journal. Anyone has the right to read, download, copy, print out, link, and disseminate material contained in the journal, as long as the source and copyright holder are stated. Anyone submitting material to Samlaren will be regarded as having consented to electronic archiving and publication.

Samlaren is a peer-reviewed journal, meaning that incoming manuscripts are scrutinized by anonymous experts in the field. Prior to acceptance, articles are subjected to double-blind examination: once the editor determines they are of sufficiently high quality for review, they are sent in anonymized form to an expert reviewer, whose identity, in turn, is not revealed to the author. If desired, and if both the author and the reviewer give their consent, this anonymity requirement may be relaxed once an article has been accepted for publication.

Instructions for submitting manuscripts

Submitted contributions are dealt with as they arrive. For articles, the deadline for submission for the current annual volume is June 15. Contributions should be submitted in digital form (Word) to

Manuscripts should comply with the instructions given in this guide. For articles, the identity of the author should not be apparent from the text itself, as all contributions will be anonymously reviewed by external experts.

The text must be scrupulously composed and vetted in terms of language and formal aspects. Drafts and article proposals will not be considered. Articles should normally not exceed 80,000 characters in length, including spaces, but longer texts may be accepted in exceptional cases. Reviews should not exceed 30,000 characters. Languages accepted are: Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, English, French, and German.

Ahead of publication, the authors of articles must provide, besides the text itself, in- formation about their academic degrees or status (PhD, docent [associate-professor qualification], etc.) and departmental affiliation. Moreover, the following information should be added in English:

  • Title
  • Academic degree/position
  • Department affiliation
  • Abstract, max. 300 words
  • 3–5 keywords

Most of the work with texts is carried out during the autumn. The editorial staff reserves the right to edit texts. Authors are responsible for the content of their articles. When page proofs of the text are available, they will be sent to the author and concurrently be subjected to internal proofing. The author will normally have one or two weeks to vet the text and its setting—thereafter it will be regarded as having been approved by the author.

Authors will receive a free copy of the journal. To ensure delivery of this free copy, authors should inform the editor of their current postal address.

Instructions for language and formal aspects

The following are guidelines for the presentation of articles, along with information about the journal’s standards for manuscripts. These standards also apply to language, that is, texts should be adapted to the Samlaren house style. As a rule, spellings and inflections should reflect those advocated by the Swedish Academy Glossary.

Headings and paragraphs

Articles should feature informative subheadings to help orient readers in the text. A single level of headings is preferable, and more than two levels should be avoided. The text should be structured in such a way as to avoid empty lines and asterisks (*) to demarcate sections.

As far as possible, texts should be free from unnecessary formatting. Use the tab key for indentation.


Quotations must be justified by the article’s argumentation. Quotations inserted merely for vaguely illustrative purposes should be avoided. Lengthy quotations (more than 3–5 lines) are to be set off as blocks, without quotation marks. Sources should be quoted in the original language. Long quotations from foreign languages that most readers cannot be assumed to understand should be translated. It is sometimes justifiable to translate quotations from French and German. Use single quotation marks for quotations embedded within quotations. Quotation marks should follow the conventions of the language the article is written in, that is: For Swedish, Norwegian, Danish ”––” (i.e. 99––99); English “––” (i.e. 66––99); French «––»; German „––“. These respective quotation marks should be used regardless of the language of the passage quoted.


Ellipses should be marked by square brackets: […]. In some cases, it may be necessary to indicate that the deletion comprises more than one sentence; use dashes for such ellipses: [– – –].


In the text, titles of books, journals, and films are italicized. Names of newspapers are also written in italics, for example, Dagens Nyheter, Clarté, Månadsjournalen. Titles of articles or chapters are placed within quotation marks. The Bible is not italicized. Quo- tation marks are not used for sections of the Bible.


Abbreviations are to be used sparingly in the text itself, and where possible should be expressed in words. In notes, abbreviations should be used to minimize their length: cf., p., ff., e.g. Abbreviations should be written without spacing, as should initials in names, such as T.S. Eliot.

The abbreviations f. and ff. may be used for page references (f. = plus one page; ff. = plus 2–5 pages). However, instead of ff., more precise page references are preferred: pp. 55–58 instead of p. 55 ff. Please note the space separating the abbreviation and the number.


In the article text, write dates in full in the language of the article: for example, Swedish – 2 oktober 1902; American English – October 2, 1902; British English – 2 October 1902. In notes, use numerals, but to avoid confusion of days and months, observe the ISO standard: YYYY-MM-DD, that is, 1902-10-02. See examples below.


For articles written in Swedish, Norwegian, or Danish, use a period and a space between a main title and a subtitle, even for English, French, and German titles:Raketsommar. Science fiction i Sverige 1950 till 1968; Silence and Subject in Modern Literature. Spoken Violence; Wortgewalt. Peter Weiss und die deutsche Sprache. For articles written in English, French, or German, use a full colon and a space instead of a period and a space.

For titles in English, capitalize main words: Black Riders. The Visible Language of Modernism. For titles in French, do not capitalize main words, with the exception of titles starting with an article: La Comédie humaine. This also applies to subtitles.

Other rules for text style

Here are some rules that should be observed in preparing a manuscript:

  • Write complete names of years: 1814–1823.
  • Use a dash (–), not a hyphen (-) for page intervals or spans of years: pp. 35–40, 1793–1866.
  • Use forward slashes to quote lines of poetry in the running text, with a space before and after the slash: ”Barnet är snällt / och katten är snäll / och krukväxterna är döda”.
  • Numbers expressed by one word should be written out as words in the running text, unless they represent statistics to be readily compared in the text. Other numbers should be written as numerals.
  • In Swedish, Norwegian, and Danish, avoid apostrophes unless they are necessary for understanding: Jens Lapidus roman (not Jens Lapidus’ roman), Anders bok, Caroline Haux avhandling, Karl Marx Kapitalet, Schweiz alper.

Notes and references

Samlaren uses a modified form of the Oxford system for references. Notes are to be gathered at the end of the articles (endnotes) and written in a way that eliminates the need for a bibliography. For the first reference to a source, give the full source. For subsequent references to the same source, use an abbreviated reference in the note. Avoid inserting more than one note per sentence. The note number should be placed after the period or in exceptional cases after another punctuation mark in the sentence. The review section of the journal does not use notes.

References in the article text: if multiple references to the same work are given, after the first reference, simply give the page number after quotations within parentheses (35). If several works need to be distinguished: (Hemsöborna 35).

For digital references, bear in mind that the same requirements apply as for references to a book or article. Provide the URL, but avoid overly long addresses. The date the material was accessed must be given (see example below).


The first time a reference is given, the following model should be used (for references to books):

1 Magnus Ullén, Bara för dig. Pornografi, konsumtion, berättande, Stockholm 2009, pp. 86–88.

Subsequent references to the same source:

2 Ullén 2009, p. 90.

Articles in journals (please note that the volume number has been omitted in two of the examples for the sake of simplicity):

3 Ruth Amossy, ”Introduction to the Study of Doxa”, Poetics Today, 23, 2002:3, pp. 369–394.
4 Nils Ekedahl, ”Dygdeval och apoteos. Stiernhielms Hercules som dikt och drama”, Samlaren 2000, pp. 5–32, here: p. 11.
5 Beata Agrell, ”Didaktik utan tendens. Boccaccios falk och Per Hallströms novell ’Falken’”, Tidskrift för litteraturvetenskap, 2013:2, pp. 19–27, quotation p. 20.

Article in an anthology:

6 Wolfgang Karrer, ”Titles and Mottoes as Intertextual Devices”, in Intertextuality, ed. Heinrich F. Plett, Berlin 1991, p. 122 ff.

Book in a series:

7 Marie-Louise Svane, ”Romantisk spontanisme. Dansk romantik som litteraturhistorie og kulturarv”, in Ett möte. Svensk och dansk litterär romantik i ny dialog (Centrum för Danmarksstudier 20), eds. Gunilla Hermansson & Mads Nygaard Folkmann, Göteborg 2008.

Work in a critical edition:

8 C.J.L. Almqvist, Samlade Verk, vol. 4 (Amorina 1822), ed. Bertil Romberg, Stockholm 2002.
9 Bertil Romberg, ”Inledning”, in C.J.L. Almqvist, Samlade Verk, vol. 4, ed. Bertil Romberg, Stockholm 2002, pp. VII–XXV.

Unpublished material

10 Letter from Vilhem Carlheim-Gyllensköld to August Strindberg 1902-10-2, G. 362 (Letters to August Strindberg), Kungliga biblioteket, Stockholm.

Subsequent references as follows:

11 Letter from Carlheim-Gyllensköld to Strindberg 1902-10-2.

Article in newspaper:

12 Marianne Söderberg, ”Med visshet om ämnets bedräglighet”, Norrbottens-Kuriren 2010-04-10.

Digitally published sources:

13 Lotta Lotass, ”Teknikens drömvärldar: från framtid till förflutenhet”, Litteraturbanken,!/presentationer/vandringar/VandringLotass.html (2015-1-29).

Subsequent references as follows:

14 Lotass, ”Teknikens drömvärldar: från framtid till förflutenhet”.